Sunday, 15 May 2011

Type Navigator

This is a font visual search system which helps you to identify unknown fonts giving a proper information about font name and sometimes even about the designer who have created this font.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Differences using CSS Against Tables

The majority of websites that can be found in the net are built using "Tables" again an outdated method of building sites. The code equivalent against using CSS is awesome. Through our own experience(s) a site that uses tables for design layout and content presentation will always trail behind a site that uses standards conform CSS coding.
The amount of code that goes into presenting a website to the end user using tables is extensively time consuming and the amount of incorrect coding that goes on is immense. The majority of table based websites don't even use the tables as well as they could or should be. It is easy to build a site using tables but building a site that uses tables properly seems to be a hard task. Using accessible coding to create or build a site is easy, the tags are there to be used but the main stream designers dont seem to grasp the need for accessible websites.
Comparing the amount of (X)HTML code when using tables to CSS coded sites you will find that the ratio is way to high. The performance of a site that uses CSS is generally a lot better. lowering the amount of code in the documents increases download speeds and gives the end user a better impression.

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Sunday, 3 April 2011

20 Infographic Driven Website Designs – the Latest Web Design Trend Read more about Template Monster Blog - Part 4 by

As you search the web you’ll come across a wide range of interactive and graphical maps, charts, diagrams, blackboards, instructional designs and their concepts being copied and applied to web layouts. More and more home page backgrounds now integrate some visualized data about a particular project, site navigation, or some key content that is to be conveyed. Why is it so popular? Because it is unique and different, and there is so much happening on the page that it makes the visitor want to linger and descry everything. Through blending some catchy graphics and text, the big picture concept is immediately thrown to viewers. And such visual promotes a new creative way of thinking about the information giving, it helps perceive new relationships and form various interpretations.

Read more about Template Monster Blog - Part 4 by blog.templatemonster.comwebsite design

Monday, 14 March 2011

Contact world leading website design company for following Website Design Services

Contact world leading website design company for following Website Design Services:
Website Redesign, Ecommerce Design, Flash Web Design, Facebook Adaption, Website Design Joomla, Website Maintainance,
Rich Media Websites, Social Media Networking, Website Design Drupal, Website Design Custom, Website Design Wordpress,
Online Store Development, Website Design OScommerce, Content Management Systems, Professional Corporate Websites,

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Indian Website Design

The Institute is offering Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree in three disciplines namely Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering (Design & Manufacturing) and Mechanical Engineering (Design & Manufacturing). These novel programs are first of its kind under graduate level degrees offered in the country with emphasis on design and manufacturing issues related to Computer Engineering, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering. The programs are designed based on the principle of "experiential learning" and exhaustive practice sessions supplement the courses learnt as a part of the curriculum. Admissions to the various UG programmes are based on All India Rank (AIR) in AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) conducted by CCB [6]. More details about these programs can be obtained from the following pages:

    * Computer Engineering
    * Electronics Engineering (D&M)
    * Mechanical Engineering (D&M)

A broad overview of the curricula distribution in each of the above mentioned design programs is given below.